Emmett (Irland)
This year was my 6th year on camp and once again it lived up to expec­ta­tions. First­ly I liked the loca­tion as we had stores near­by and the pool was close just sad­ly the weath­er wasn’t as good as past years. I real­ly enjoyed the trips this year. The day trip to “the expe­ri­ence” in Nurn­berg was very inter­est­ing and enjoy­able to learn about the his­to­ry. Also we went on a morn­ing trip to a rol­lar­coster which was thrilling and great fun. These trips are so good for us, learn­ing about dif­fer­ent cul­tures and mix­ing with the oth­er groups and in my opin­ion; we should have more of these trips. Anoth­er aspect of the camp that I enjoyed this year was the work­shop about racism. This top­ic is very con­tro­ver­sial and impor­tant and I think should be dis­cussed more. Work­shops like these should take place. The atmos­phere at the camp this year was bril­liant. Every­one bond­ed very well and I have made friends I will have forever.