We – „Solidaritätsjugend Deutschlands“– „Solidarity Youth”, nickname “Solijugend” — are an independent youth organization based in Germany. „Solidarity Youth“ was founded in 1954 in the tradition of the workers’ youth movement and has actively been involved in volunteer youth work for more than 60 years now. We offer young people an alternative to sports and engage in the areas youth culture, youth education, youth politics and international youth work.
International Youth Work is what we are eminently committed to and in which we enfold our main activities. Every year we organize our International Youth Camp, which is our major event. We welcome more than 250 young people from various countries such as Morocco, Turkey, Czech Republic, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain and Algeria. We spend ten days together in a school building mostly in the south of Germany, which gives our Youth Camp its distinctive character.
The school center usually gives us a lot of possibilities and room for our activities. Our participants are young people between the ages of 15 and 26 years. They participate in theme specific workshops, related educational activities and various sports events.
Furthermore, we keep close contact to our partner organizations abroad and periodically organize bilateral youth encounters to give youth a possibility to get in a both-sided exchange.
Through our International Youth Work adolescents get the chance to meet people from abroad, connect and to stay in contact easily on a regular basis.
Through our work we want to promote intercultural understanding. We support and assist youth in their development to become responsible world citizens who are open to criticism, sensitive to other cultures and tolerant in order to inspire and broaden their horizon.
These values are also important for our national activities. Therefore we are organize a lot of non-formal seminars with different topics and further training for our members. Every year we focus on one main topic as “sustainable development”, „migration“ etc.
For more information about „Solijugend“ or the International Youth Camp write us an e‑mail (bgst@solijugend.de) or call +49 69 852094.